Our church provides a nursery during each of our services for children 0 - 3 years old. The nursery is staffed with supervised lady volunteers so that their parents can be free to enjoy the teaching and learning times. We strive to provide an environment that is safe, clean, and friendly for every family.
Kids' Clubs begins Wednesdays at 7 pm during the school year. This is an exciting teaching program for children 3-years old through 5th grade. Each Wednesday the children will be challenged from God's Word. They will also have an exciting game time. Verse memory and song time will also be a part of each meeting.
Being a teenager can be a difficult time of life. So many changes, pressures, and decisions often leave many young people distressed and troubled about the future. What is my purpose in life? What should I be when I grow up? Where should I go to college? How can I improve my relationship with my parents? Where can I find help for my problems? These are just some of the questions that we at Northland Baptist Church would love to help you find the answers to. Our youth group strives to help others feel accepted and welcome as we Receive Everyone As Christ Has (R.E.A.C.H.). Our main goal is to teach you from the Bible how to have a better relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Nobody has to walk alone in these tough times. Come join us for Teen Class on Sunday mornings at 9:30am and Wednesday nights at 7pm. There you will meet our youth group and learn about our youth activities, summer camp opportunities, youth retreats, and many other events. We would love to have you be a part of our team!
Our adult ministry centers on gathering as a community around the Word of God and living lives modeled after Christ. The goal of all adult ministries at Northland Baptist is to help challenge participants to live out their faith while impacting others with the power and truth of the Gospel!
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